Company Contact Information
Chand Eisenmann Metallurgical has been producing high quality, porous sintered metal products for over 20 years, previously as a division of Chand Associates. We have over 60 years of combined engineering experience to offer engineered solutions to support your current applications and to develop new products.
Please direct all correspondence to our Business and Sales Engineering Office so that we can help qualify your requirements.
Business and Sales Engineering Office
Chand Eisenmann Metallurgical
258 Spielman Highway
Burlington, CT USA 06013
Telephone: 860-675-5000
Fax: 860-675-0521
Production Facility:
All of our products are manufactured at our 10,000 square foot production facility
in Caribou, Maine.
Chand Eisenmann Metallurgical
15 Armco Avenue
Caribou, ME 04736